Oh, I can feel a holy war

You've reached In Between Hell and Heaven, the TFL-approved fanlisting for American metal band In This Moment. If you're a fan of this amazing group or consider yourself a member of The Blood Legion, why not join? Navigation can be found on the graphic above the title. This layout features promotional images and screencaps from their latest song and video, The In-Between, from the upcoming Mother album.

I'm a new fan of In This Moment as of 2018 but they've already become an important band to me. I'd already racked up almost 800 plays of them by the end of that year and have completely fallen in love with their lyrics, style and of course singer Maria Brink.

What is a Fanlisting?

A fanlisting is simply an online list of fans of a subject, such as a TV show, actor, or musician, that is created by an individual and open for fans from around the world to join. There are no costs, and the only requirements to join a fanlisting are your name and country. Fanlistings do not have to be large sites (although some are), they are just a place where you can sign up with other fans. - The Fanlistings


In Between Hell and Heaven was opened on 9th March 2020.
Its last update was on 02nd September 2024.
Since then, the member count is 8 (+ 0 pending),
with our latest member(s) being Panda.